I believe it’s vital to have a clear vision and that comes from a powerful brand. Well communicated, it is the key to a successful future.
It defines how you want to impact your client's life and the world in which they live. That’s where I can help!
I want to support you to build that unique brand message and brand experience. So let’s work together on your ideal and visualize your business future.
The time is ripe for better defining your brand and your service.
With competition and legislation applying pressure like never before, it's important to start to define the added value to your accounting service.
That means thinking beyond compliance and understanding how you can deliver more of an experience to your clients and your teams.
After nearly 30 years in the corporate world, Philippa decided it was time to break free. To break the mould and to get rid of the constant limitations.
Life, she felt, was about “you can’t do” when she believed firmly that you "CAN”.
"You don’t get many chances in life, so you need to take them when you can and make your own luck."
This is the story of a girl who was often told to get out of the heat when she knew that there was a better way to win and that was to STAND OUT.
Walk tall - Have confidence and
allow yourself to shine
Be different - Difference should be
Lead with truth - Say what you mean
and do what you say
Rise to the challenge - Pause, take stock
and emerge stronger
Opportunity awaits - Look bigger picture
and search for the gaps
Think. Then do. We are thinkers but we
make things happen too
“Philippa allowed me to shine through. That's the truth"
Penelope Allard